ヤマボウシの実 ほし

Now that the water play is over, they are looking forward to spending time
in the yard playing in the sand, on the slide, taking a walk, and so on.
They seem to be looking forward to spending time in the yard every day.
One day in the yard.
One day at the playground, the children were running toward the adults saying, "Look at this! The children were so happy that they rushed toward the adults saying, "Strawberries look so delicious!
When I looked at the fruit in their hands, I saw that it looked just like a strawberry and looked really delicious.
The berries were called "yamaboshi".
The yamaboshi flowers from June to July and produces fruit around September.
The pulp contains many small seeds,
and the taste is sweet and can be compared to that of a mango or banana.
When I tell the children about this
They imitate eating it and say, "Oh, sweet! It's like a banana!
It was so cute to see them talking happily.
It was a moment when I felt the arrival of autumn with the children as they enjoyed the pleasant autumn breeze
and found and picked up nuts.