Childcare Site
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Cherishing Each and Every Individual 





Shinaikai Childcare

Cherishing Each and Every Individual

We understand the individual growth, development, and circumstances of each child and carefully guide them towards independence within basic daily routines.

Here, children are provided with our ['Tantosei': Designated Caregiver System], where assigned caregivers are designated small groups of children. Caregivers will help children to grasp simple basics of daily life while assisting them in discovering and bringing out their individual abilities.

While experiencing both helping and being helped by others in a group atmosphere, children will be raised to think before acting and to assert themselves in a reasonable manner.

'Tantosei': Designated Caregiver System

'Tantosei': Designated Caregiver System

Tantosei': Designated Caregiver System is a system where each individual child is assigned a specific caregiver.

By always having the same caregiver helping with meals, sleep, dressing & undressing, changing, and play, both the feeling of connectedness and the relationship between the child and caregiver is deepened and caregivers can better grasp children’s condition, habits, and unique characteristics.

Childcare that Breaks Age Boundaries

Childcare that Breaks Age Boundaries

Kindergarten children from the ages of 3 to 5 are placed in our ‘Childcare that Breaks Age Boundaries’. We hope that children can learn cooperation, sociality, and compassion through interacting with each other across a variety of ages.

Childcare Activities

Childcare initiatives
Picture Books・Literature

Picture Books・Literature

Children can enjoy a great feeling of happiness when they are being read picture books with a passionate voice or manner.

Picture Books・Literature

Food Education

Food Education

We foster “The power to produce food”, the basis for living a healthy and high-quality life, and in doing so cultivate the power necessary to live.

Food education

High Quality Toys

High Quality Toys

We want to raise children with high quality toys during their important development stages. We’ve prepared a selection of toys with that feeling in mind.

High Quality Toys

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes

Most of the music time is based on Nursery Rhymes.
Nursery Rhymes cultivate children’s ability to focus, which connects to the act of listening to people’s voices and stories.

Nursery Rhymes


Educational Activities

Education efforts


Through experiential learning that combines excitement and surprise, we aim to achieve comprehensive “basic modeling education” which helps to promote an individual’s creativity and individuality.




We promote the development of children’s potential and basic abilities through music. We value full-body expression in rhythm with piano.


Japanese Drum

Japanese Drum

‘Wadaiko’, or the Japanese Drum, is an instrument even young children are quick to feel familiar with and helps to promote a sense of rhythm and core strength. We bring in instructors to prepare the children for recital.

Japanese drum



We invited an expert instructor to create a specific curriculum for promoting children’s health and basic physical abilities. Our goal is to promote full-body balance.




Lessons are held by expert instructors. We perform teaching and guidance so that children can naturally pick up English rhythm in a fun and engaging environment.


Tea Ceremony

Tea Ceremony

Children learn proper manners from Tea Ceremony experts. Children are taught to sit upright in the Japanese ‘seiza’ style to calm their mind, and interact with tools to nurture a sense of value for objects around them.

Tea Ceremony


Operation Facility

Social Welfare Corporation Shinaikai’s headquarters is located in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture. We are a Social Welfare Corporation deeply rooted in the local community and we provide services from child welfare to elderly care.
With the philosophy of “Valuing each and every individual”, we are making contributions to the welfare of society, including providing an environment for the education of children.


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Recruitment Information

Recruitment Information

Regardless of their occupation or type of employment, the staff at Shinaikai’s nursery school enjoy and take pride in their work.
If you think to yourself: “I want to work in child care where I get to really interact with the children”, then we’d love to meet you.



令和4年度の定期・一時預かり事業のうち、定期利用は定員のため受付を停止しております。 *一時預かり利用につきましては、改めて募集時期をお知らせいたします。

受付方法:電話 TEL 047-711-6913
(仮称)特別養護老人ホーム 桜楓親愛の丘 新築工事の入札公告(終了)