お友達と一緒 つき その2

”今日は何をしようかな?” と毎日楽しみな様子の子どもたち。
Of all the play they want to do a lot when they come to daycare.
"What shall we do today?" The children are looking forward to their day at the preschool.
I'm busy because I want to play a lot! I'm so busy because I want to play a lot!
Recently, they seem to be looking forward to not only what kind of play they will be doing, but also who they will be playing with.
"Is 00-kun coming? I want to play with 00-chan!
I am seeing more and more children clearly expressing their thoughts and feelings about wanting to do the same thing with their friends and playing together.
The number of children who are clearly expressing their feelings and desires to do the same things with their friends and to play together is increasing.
"Do you want to play with a ball together? I want to play rope-jumping," "How shall we play?
Conversation with friends who decide what to play with is also fun.
Playing at the daycare center is filled with the joy and excitement of being "with friends" and the satisfaction of having a good time.
The play at the daycare center is filled with the joy and excitement of being "with friends" and the satisfaction of having a good time.
The presence of friends is very important.
Let's play together again tomorrow!
We can see many beautiful smiles on their faces today.