交流会ごっこ アイリス

お人形さんを並べて「いまから こうりゅうかいを はじめます」「よろしく おねがいします!」「では、うたいますよー!」と先生になりきって楽しんでいました。
Older students playing nursery school while arranging dolls in their rooms.
The other day, I asked the older children what they wanted to present for the exchange meeting,
and as we were thinking about it together, they started to play exchange meeting with the dolls.
They lined up the dolls and said, "Now we are going to start the exchange meeting.
Then, I'll sing! They were having fun pretending to be teachers.
The older children are looking forward to having their mothers and fathers come to the school
in December to watch their rhythmic performance, taiko drumming, and individual achievement presentation at the exchange program.