  1. 社会福祉法人 親愛会 トップ
  2. ブログ
  3. おはな、いかがですか? 幼児


おはな、いかがですか? 幼児

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おはな、いかがですか? 幼児


The children of the Lily group love flowers. In December, the theme of environmental awareness was my profession,
so I went to a flower shop for a tour.
Children who became familiar with the flower shop by being told the names of the flowers lined up in the shop
and having them make a bouquet in front of them.
When I casually lined up the artificial flowers and buckets I had prepared after returning to the garden,
the children immediately bite into me, saying, "It looks like a real mother!" At first, the childcare staff also became a clerk,
and I was thinking about arranging necessary items for the store and interacting with customers together, but the number of messages from children is gradually increasing.
From the equipment of the shop such as "Isn't it better to have a kanban?" To the customer service such as "Which one do you want to do?
We enjoyed playing the flower shop while reflecting what we experienced in our daily lives and the knowledge we gained in our play.

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