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ドーナッツ屋さんで役割遊び 2歳児

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ドーナッツ屋さんで役割遊び 2歳児


"I want to do a donut!" H-chan was recreating while making a donut with a block and sticking a snap stick in a circle.
"H will do Omiseya-san, so do Okyaku-san," and decided on a role with a friend, "Welcome!"
And a cheerful donut shop opened. When my friends who played the role of customers came to the store one after another,
I explained well what I had imagined, "This is strawberry horse mackerel, this is a little bit" and served customers.
The image is so real that you can feel that you are looking closely at the time of everyday shopping,
you can read the barcode by saying "pip" or reproduce the shopping unique to modern times by saying
"Do you have a bag?" was doing.
It has become possible for friends to divide roles and share images, and enjoy playing roles while communicating in words.

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