違和感を感じながら 1歳

Children who find and play their favorite play. Recently, playing with fingertips has become popular in class. K-chan was trying a difficult two-layer puzzle, but because the shapes of the pieces were similar, he seemed to be worried, "I can't do it, I can't do it." The staff also tried to ask them to apply it in various directions and conveyed the characteristics of the shape, and managed to complete the puzzle. Then, after that, K-chan said, "It's more!", And I completed it by myself while spinning the pieces. K-chan was showing a satisfying expression because of the sense of accomplishment that was made until the end. I was impressed with the feeling of trying to challenge something that was a little difficult. We will continue to provide toys that will make children want to play a lot and enjoy attractive play that makes them want to try it for themselves.