
ジップロックの上から絵の具を触り、感触を楽しんでいましたよ♪ 保育者が絵の具を準備していると、、直接絵の具にツンツン!と触れてみるお友だちもいまし
2歳児のお友だちは、ビー玉アートに挑戦!!アイスの形の画用紙に味付けをしました★ 「ピンクだから、いちごかな!」「きいろだからレモンかな!」と見立てることも楽しみながら、 行っていましたよ♪箱をゆっくりと動かし、ビー玉の動きを探ることに苦戦しながらも集中して取
り組む姿が見られました! 1歳児・2歳児共に楽しむ様子が見られたので、今後も絵の具を使用した遊びを楽しんでいきたいです。
We had fun playing with paints!
The one-year-old children played finger painting!
When they put paint on the paper, they said, "Yellow! Green! They showed us the colors they could recognize!
When the caregivers were preparing the paints, some of the children tried to touch the paints directly!
When the caregivers were preparing the paints, some of the friends tried to touch the paints directly.
The 2 year olds were very excited to touch the paints on the top of the blocks!
The 2-year-olds tried their hand at marble art! They colored the ice-cream shaped paper with flavor.
"Maybe strawberry because it's pink, or lemon because it's yellow!
They were also having fun making the marbles look like strawberries and lemons.
The children were concentrating on their work, even though they were struggling to move the box slowly
and explore the movement of the marbles! Both the one- and two-year-olds seemed to be enjoying themselves,
and we hope to continue to enjoy playing with paints in the future.