
支援センターからすぐの場所に、四季折々のお花がきれいに咲いている「ゆいの花公園」があります。「ゆいの花」というお花は実際にはなくて、「結い (ゆい、むすぶ)」という言葉から人と人がお花を通じて結ばれることで、輪が広がっていくようにと願って名付けられたとても素敵な公園です。
Just around the corner from the Support Center, there is "Yui no Hana Park" where beautiful seasonal flowers are in bloom.
There are no actual flowers called "yui no hana," but rather a beautiful park named after the word "yui (yui, musubu)"
in the hope that people will be united through flowers and the circle of friendship will expand.
It is a perfect place for small children who have just started walking, so why don't you take a walk amidst the soft
and pleasant scent of flowers?
We hope that you will stop by and visit the floor, and that your circle of friends and family will expand through your children.