はらぺこあおむし アイリス

はらぺこあおむしの絵本を見た後、「あおむし つくろう!」とカプラで作り始めました。
色のついた赤のカプラを持ってくると「りんごを1つどうぞ!」「むしゃむしゃむしゃ!」と食べ始め、「きいろは チーズ!あおむしさん どうぞ!」と楽しそうにご飯を食べさせてあげていました♪
Young children love The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
After reading a picture book about the Hungry Little Caterpillar, he started to build a caterpillar with a Capra.
And started to make it with a Capra.
How will we make it? As I watched them, they made a beautiful Caterpillar one by one by arranging the pieces one by one.
When he brought the colored red plastic, he said, "Let's have an apple! Munch, munch, munch! He started to eat it and said, "The yellow one is cheese! Caterpillar, here you go! and happily fed them their food.