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オクラのお味噌汁 アイリス

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オクラのお味噌汁 アイリス



 オクラを触ったり切ったりして断面を見てみると「なんだかトゲトゲしているね」「たねが たくさんあるね!」「おほしさまの かたちをしているよ!」と観察しながら感じたことを教えてくれました。また、昼食時にはお味噌汁にトッピングをして「ネバネバしてるよ!」「おいしいよ!」と言ってお友達と嬉しそうに食べていました。



The toddler class has been growing tomatoes, eggplants, and okra in the field as part of their food education.

 Since around July, we have been able to harvest a lot of eggplants, and unfortunately the tomatoes were eaten by crows.
The okra grew slowly and was hard to produce, and the children were very worried, but by August it was flowering and
producing fruit, and we were able to harvest a lot of it!

 When they touched and cut okra to look at the cross section, they said, "It looks kind of spiky," "There are a lot of seeds!
It looks like the shape of the sun! They told us what they felt while observing. At lunch time, they topped their miso soup with toppings and said, "It's sticky! It's delicious! They were so happy to eat it with their friends.


 Vegetables we grew ourselves are exceptionally tasty!

Translated with (free version)

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