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仲間意識が深まった1年 幼児

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仲間意識が深まった1年 幼児






This year, "Each person will expand their interests and enthusiastically to various things through play and gain confidence
through many successful experiences."

"Collaborate with friends while having a feeling of compassion for things and people."

I had the goal of having fun and deepening relationships.

In environmental awareness, when talking about SDGs, children who were gradually interested in saying,
"That's it! It's called SDGs."

While talking about various SDGs, there was a figure that cherished things such as the origami used in the production,
saying, "This can still be used. It's a waste!"

I also valued the toys I was playing with, and I was conscious of how to handle them gently and how to put the used ones back on the shelves so that the next person could use them easily.

I was very interested in the heightened awareness of each child.

It was

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during the year.

I would like to continue to carefully support the growth of my child.

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