笑う角には福来る リリー

This month is the beginning of the New Year, and New Year's play is in full swing.
They are enjoying various New Year's games such as making kites and flying them in the park,
playing with feathers in the fiore, and spinning a top in their rooms, but the most exciting of all is the Fukuwarai.
When they are blindfolded and handed parts of a face, they ask, "What is this...?"
and concentrating on their fingertips, they guessed the parts from the shape!
It is a good thing that you have guessed the part, but it is extremely difficult to place it in the correct position.
The children watching around them could not contain their laughter as they placed them
in completely different places or upside down.
When they finished and took off the blindfolds, even the children who had made them laughed hysterically,
saying, "What a face! and even the creator himself burst into laughter.
Lily class has been full of laughter since the beginning of the year.
It looks like they will have another happy year.