ワールドカップ アイリス

「きょうは にほんが かったね!」
「みとませんしゅ かっこよかった よ!」と教えてくれるSくん。
構成構造での遊びが大好きなS君は積み木でも ワールドカップを作っています。
カプラで作った試合会場の中に芝生を敷い て、選手やサッカーゴールを積み木で作りました。
できあがるととても嬉し そうな表情で「あおが にっぽんだいひょうだよ!」と試合の経過を教えて くれます。
積み木で作る以外にもホールではお友達とワールドカップごっこ をして体もたくさん動かしています♪
With the start of the World Cup games, our middle school boy has been very interested in the games every day.
"Japan won today!
"It was cool! S-kun tells us.
S-kun loves to play with the structure of building blocks, and he is also making the World Cup out of them.
He made a field made of Capra, spread grass on it, and made players and soccer goals with building blocks.
When he was finished, he was very happy and told us how the game went. They were very happy and told us how the game went.
In addition to building with blocks, the children also enjoyed playing World Cup with their friends in the hall.