  1. 社会福祉法人 親愛会 トップ
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  3. タンポスタンプ ひまわり


タンポスタンプ ひまわり

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タンポスタンプ ひまわり











It was the rainy season, and while the rain forecast continued every day, the sunflower group played with tampo stamps so that they could have a good time in the room.

"It's beautiful~"
"Like candy !"
"Pompon is fun!"

While gently pressing the paint on the gauze onto the drawing paper with a pompon, the only original umbrella in the world is completed!

Little by little, my tastes are coming out, and the children made their own choices,
such as choosing drawing paper of their favorite color and stamping a lot of stamps of their favorite color,
and it became a wonderful work.

There is also a request saying "I want to do more!", So I will prepare a tampo stamp when
I have time so that I can play slowly.


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