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  3. わらべうたを通してお友達と触れあう 0歳


わらべうたを通してお友達と触れあう 0歳

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わらべうたを通してお友達と触れあう 0歳


R-chan, who likes nursery rhymes, has enjoyed skinship by shaking her body, imitating gestures,
and listening to nursery rhymes sung by nursery teachers.
Recently, the number of words has increased and I have begun to sing the lyrics, and
when I was singing "Goodbye Ankoro Mochi" together, T-kun, who was by my side, stared at me and showed interest.
Then, R-chan was seen holding hands with T-kun, singing a nursery rhyme, and enjoying playing with each other.
I felt the growth of my friends who were watching the situation, naturally holding hands and playing while singing repeatedly.

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