子供の意思を大切に 0歳

ローテーブルでの食事に移行する子が増えてきたすいれん組。Eちゃんは、椅子を自分で引いて自分で座りエプロンを着けたり等の支度も積極的に行うなど、毎日「やりたい!」という気持ちが溢れている事を感じます。そして、好きな食べ物は「これ これ!」と嬉しそうに指を差したり、最近では次に食べたいものを伝える姿も見られます。「〇〇おいしいね」と会話を楽しみながら食べていると、前までは苦手だった食材も食べようとするなど少しずつ色々な物を食べられるようになってきました。これからも、子どもの気持ちに寄り添いながら食べる意欲や楽しみを育てていきたいと思います。
The number of children who are shifting to eating at the low table is increasing.
E-chan feels that she is full of "I want to do it!" Every day, such as pulling the chair by herself, sitting on her own, and actively preparing for the apron.
You can also happily point your finger at your favorite food, saying "This is this!", And recently, you can see what you want to eat next.
While enjoying the conversation, "It's delicious," I've gradually become able to eat various things, such as trying to eat ingredients that I wasn't good at before.
I would like to continue to develop the motivation and enjoyment of eating while staying close to the feelings of